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Present article follow up the recent debates that is being discussed in the country with respect to the National Food Security Act – 2013. Present article is based on the secondary sources of information collected through various books, magazines, journals, newspapers, government and non-governmental reports. The purpose of the article is to trace the discussion among various economist, planners, researchers and policy makers in order to analyse whether National food Security Act is a triumph for those who are in desperate need of it (poor and destitute), or a tragedy for those officials speaking against the Act. The main emphasis of the article is to discuss the cost of implementation of NFSA because it was believed that after its implementation it will put heavy burden on the government exchequer due to subsidies provided under it.  Article also examines the challenges related to Food Corporation of India with respect to procurement, storage and distribution of foodgrains. Moreover, article also discusses the NFSA with respect to the Integrated Child Development Scheme, its affect on small and marginal farmers of the country, challenges related to public distribution system.

About the Author

Adnan Shakeel
Aligarh Muslim University

Completed his doctoral programme in Geography form Aligarh Muslim University, During the tenure of his Ph.D he was awarded with junior and senior research fellowships from University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India,  awarded with Post Doctoral Fellowship from Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi; Department of Geography, Faculty of Science.

Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh


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