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Geo-Tourism Perspectives In East Kazakhstan


Eastern Kazakhstan   and  the  adjacent Gorno Altai of  southern Siberia encompass  very mosaic landscapes  across all the geographic  and geomorphic  zones enclosing numerous (pre-)historic monuments, some of them being a part of the UNESCO World natural  and cultural  heritage.  Excepting  the high-mountain  ranges (Rudno and Southern  Altai, Narym,  Tarbagatay  and Dzhungarskiy  Alatau) surrounding  the territory, the interior open arid steppes characterized by a broken relief of the granite-built Central Kazakhstan Hills as well as the barren rocky semi-deserts in the SE parts of the land remain largely unexplored  and tourism-uncovered. The extraordinary topographic  diversity was generated  by complex  geological processes  associated with the Cainozoic  orogenesis and the changing Quaternary  climates.  Geo-tourism  focusing  on the most exquisite landscape forms (geo-sites) and geological formations is a new trend in the country with still minor  activities that take advantage  of the region’s supreme geo-heritage potential. The unquestionable  touristic-recreational  attractiveness of this geographically marginal area of Central  Asia (historically a part of the Russian Empire’s Tomsk Gubernia)  reflects unique natural features – both geomorphic and biotic – including orographic, hydrologic, climatic,  mineral and pedogenic,  as well as rare endemic  plants and wildlife in addition to the colour ful national Kazakh and Russian traditions. In spite of these predispositions, an introduction of a vital, sustainable geo-tourism in East Kazakhstan is impeded by the limited accessibility to the region due to an insufficient year-round transport infrastructure and poor local accommodation  facilities in addition to the restricting boarder-zone entry regulations.

About the Author

Jiri Chlachula
Adam Mickiewicz University; Tomas Bata University in Zlin
Czech Republic

Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Adam Mickiewicz University; Laboratory for Palaeoecology, Tomas Bata University in Zlin.

Poznan,Poland; Zlin, Czech Republic.


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For citations:

Chlachula J. Geo-Tourism Perspectives In East Kazakhstan. GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY. 2019;12(2):29-43.

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