About the Authors
A. Mor-MusseryIsrael
Agronomist, soil, environmental and plant scientist. He received his M.Sc. Agr. in genetic and inheritance at 2003 from the Faculty of Agriculture. Now he is PhD. student in Geography and Environmental Development at Ben Gurion University of the Negev and lecturer for arid agriculture. His studies include these topics: The effects of gully incision processes on the geo- ecosystem of arid environments; using terraces farming for sustainable agriculture farming; the effects of Messor sp. ants on arid ecosystem fertility; using runoff as irrigation source in arid loess soils and the spatial effects of Acacia victoriae on productivity.
A. Budovsky
Graduated from the Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in 2002 and received his PhD. in 2009 from the same University. At present he is Director of the Biotechnology Unit, Technological Center and lecturer at the Achva Academic College. He is an expert in applying systems biology approaches for solving medical and environmental problems
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